Thursday, July 21, 2005

And On We Go

Wow, it's been so long since I've posted. I feel like I've been putting off a research paper or something. The "I need to blog" in the back of my mind all the time. Things have been kind of crazy lately and I've finally found a moment to sit down and write. Of course, everything I was planning to blog about has left my mind but I figure I can ramble on and on and then maybe some of it will come back.

Well, I missed Xbox Live night with the guys last week because we had family in town. Kristen's youngest sister, Ashley (I guess she goes by her middle name now -- Kay), got married on Friday. Her husband is a really nice guy. It was a great wedding but when you're part of the family, those are LONG days -- with the ceremony, the luncheon, helping with the reception, cleaning up, etc. It was a lot of fun but I was exhausted when I got home.

Our place was the hangout for Kristen's family because nobody here has a place of their own (roommates) except us. It was cool hanging out with her family. Getting a little Xbox time in with the brothers-in-law was especially nice.

Work is work. I let my supervisor know that I was quitting next month. This on the same day that he found out that another good coworker, Liz, is quitting in two weeks. He's happy for me but knows that he's losing a good employee.

Fortunately, we have a lot of our big furniture and stuff already sold to family, friends, classmates (Kristen's), etc. It's so great not to have to worry about all of it!!

There are so many things that I'm interesting in learning and getting into. Brad (my supervisor) started getting me excited about geocaching. I've tried it twice with no luck. I'm really looking forward to trying again but am having a hard time finding the time and energy. If you don't know what geocaching is visit Another thing I've tried a little of and would like to learn a lot more about is html coding. I haven't checked a book out of the library or anything but during my breaks at work I've gotten on a website that has a tutorial that starts with the basics ( - if you're interested). It's surprisingly a lot of fun. I've found that I like learning new things -- I think most people do.

Haven't gotten the new Harry Potter book yet but people at work keep talking about it and driving me crazy. We decided that we're going to get the CDs and listen to the book together on our trip out to Maryland. It should be a lot of fun.

Finally saw Black Hawk Down the other day on TV. I thought it was really good -- very intense. I was pleased that the director chose not to focus too much on the politics of the whole situation. Although some people may the politics of the situation interesting (I have no idea why) to the soldiers that were there it was "We're here and we have a job to do. Our buddies are in trouble and we're going to help them." Just a comment about an old movie that most of you have already seen.


Zimm said...

Yeah, Geocaching seems like it would be interesting. I remember hearing about it a little over a year ago, but I imagine it's a lot easier with GPS. Hey...I bet you'd get a kick out of Google Maps. Download it when you get a chance. It's pretty cool.

And W3 is like the best resource online to learn coding. I haven't gotten into it too deep, but if nothing else it's an excellent reference.

Joel said...

There are some people out here that are big into geocaching, I think. At least at the 4th of July picnic we went to there were some people doing it, so that's cool. I don't quite get the draw myself, but that's probably because I've never done it.

Also, you never got back to me about dates and stuff for this trip...have you found hotels or do you still want us to look?