The Catch-Up Post
Well, a lot has happened since I last posted what seems like a lifetime ago. Well, actually it was quite a bit more than a lifetime ago – my second daughter’s lifetime that is. Yes, those of you who occasionally click over to Kristen’s blog are already aware of our newest arrival but for those of you who haven’t – SHE finally arrived. She was an early birthday present for her daddy. Her due date was the 13th of March but she didn’t make it until the 29th. Many people (myself included) were convinced that she wanted the same birthday as her daddy – the 30th. She is a sweet little baby and a welcome addition into our home. When she was born she was 3,570 grams (about 7 lbs 15 oz). We had her two-week follow-up appt. this past Tuesday and she had put on nearly 400 grams (about 13 oz) in just 13 days – nothing to worry about as far as getting enough food. After a few days of indecision we decided to call her Adia Nicole. It’s a little different (not too different) but it fits her perfectly. Kristen and I were a little concerned about how Trea would deal with having a new sibling in the house but she has done wonderful. She is kind of testing mom and dad a little bit about boundaries but doesn’t seem to resent or want to hurt the baby. She always wants to help with the baby – change, burp, feed, swaddle, etc. Yeah, you feel bad telling your two-year-old who only wants to help that they can’t but sometimes you just have to. We try to let her help when it’s something that she can do. It didn’t take Trea long to say her name and now it’s “Adia this and Adia that.” For the full details of the birth you can read about it here.
Prior to Adia’s arrival in our home Kristen’s sister, Erin, and her husband came to visit us. I think the plan was to come and visit us AND to see the new baby but it just didn’t work out that way. Their trip to
The timing on the new baby couldn’t have been much better. The last day of school was the 16th of March followed by two weeks of wrap-up and planning for next year. So, we were just finishing up those last few days when Adia arrived and I’ve been able to stay home with Kristen and take care of her. This past week has been pretty dreadful; we’ve all been sick with a cold and are still fighting it.
Yesterday was the beginning of Songkran, the Thai New Year. There are a lot of religious ceremonies and other things that go along with the holiday but really it’s just a 3-5 day water fight. I’ve been told that everyone drinks a lot. Yesterday Kristen and I were driving around and saw people already along the sides of the roads throwing water at passersby (mostly the motorcycles and songtaews where you can actually get someone wet). This was Thursday when most things were still open, Things will be interesting over the weekend. We’re planning on being home most of it but if we feel up to it I’d like to just drive around (with windows up and doors locked) and see how it is.
Well, I have all these things that I want to get done over the break but between having a new kid, a two-year-old, and being sick I haven’t accomplished many (as this is only my first post). Well, that’s a lot so I’ll wrap it up.
Congratulations on the new arrival!
congrats, my friend. you're winning now, 2-0.
Is it pronounced Uh-DEE-uh? (This is a real question)
Actually it's pronounced EY-dee-uh (EY being like the sound in "may" or "day").
Yeah, we're winning. Are you guys going to join the game at some point??
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