Sunday, April 24, 2005

I'm Tired

Well, I just got out of hyper-sleep. Man that gas really stinks. Everything smells like rotten eggs around here. I try to eat but just can't stomach anything.

Sorry I've been away for so long. I always mean to get around to the old blog but just never do. It's kind of like my letter writing on the mission or journal writing. Also, things have been kind of crazy around here lately. Kristen's last day of work was yesterday. She put in her two weeks so I had to start looking for a job with insurance because we're all on hers. Anyway, to make a long story short my boss didn't want to lose me and said that he could get me on the company payroll which includes good benefits (currently I'm technically contracting through a staffing company with crappy benefits). Well, those benefits don't kick in for 90 days and we've been stressing about it but finally found some short term insurance to cover that period. Anyway that's it in a nutshell.

Monday is my first day full time. I'm not really looking forward to it. I like staying home and taking care of Chantrea three days a week. I'll miss it. Kristen starts school on Wednesday evening -- Spanish 201. I don't know how live night's gonna work for me now.

Seemed like I had so much to write about but now I can't think of anything. Probably because I'm tired. I don't even know if I'm making any sense. Hopefully I do.

Anway, I just wanted to say that I AM alive. Now I'm going to sleep (just regular sleep this time).


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Just so you know I check faithfully a few times of week to see if you've posted.

Congrats about the job. Does that mean you're salaried now?

Also, I'm cool if we change Live night. It was kind of my recommendation for Wednesdays to fit with my school schedule, but I think I've missed the most nights out of everyone.

Zimm said...

Yeah, i think we need to revisit the live night day. or night.

Tha Docta said...

So...any suggestions? I have no preference.

Tha Docta said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't really care. Over the summer its all pretty much the same to me. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I'd prefer not to (what with the whole dating my wife and what not). Thursday wouldn't be bad. Monday would probably work. Whatever, no matter what day it's on I'll probably still forget or miss sometimes. So I shouldn't really be the one it's based on.

AtomicU2 said...

Joel -- no I'm still hourly. Salary would be nice but alas it is not to be. As far as live night goes, Tue. and Thur. would be best for me at least for the next 8 weeks or so. After that, Kristen's in Span. 202 on Tue. and Thur. so then . . . probably Mon. or back to Wed. for me. It's a pain I know -- sorry.

Joel said...

That's cool, my schedule is changing all the time too. I'm up for whatever. Like I said, I miss the most nights, so I leave it up to you guys. That way I won't feel guilty if I forget or have to miss it.